Do you have a dua you wish to wake up in Tahajjud for? ๐Ÿคฒ

Then this workshop is for you to help you get into the habit of praying Tahajjud regularly especially if you are a busy person
In Shaa Allah!ย 

Bliifee presents

Tahajjud Workshop

2-hour workshop to help you get into the habit of praying Tahajjud regularly and whenever you want to even with a busy schedule.

$70 USD ($50 only for FIRST 20!)

Saturday 27th August 2022
3pm AEST (recording available)

Use code FIRST20 to get it for $50

$50 for first 20 only!

Use code ‘FIRST20‘ to get $20 off!
(only available to the first 20 Bliifeeans who sign up)

Waking up for Tahajjud is hard

Here are some of the problems you might be facing ๐Ÿ‘‡

To solve that, here's what we will learn! ๐Ÿ“

In Shaa Allah we will be covering the following topics and even more in the 2-hour tahajjud workshop.

How to wake up for tahajjud

Waking up early before everyone else without snoozing your alarms & feeling fresh

How to stay awake after fajr

Being able to feel fresh and get into productive tasks right after fajr

How to set a tahajjud routine

Creating a schedule that works for you and helps you sleep early

How to get your duas answered

Understanding how duas work and the best ways to get your duas answered

In-depth & Personalised Discussion ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

This workshop is for those who have already watched the videos about Tahajjud but need further help introducing the habit into their own personal lives

Plus Telegram group! ๐Ÿ“ฒ

4-weeks access to a private Telegram group chat where you get:

  • weekly checklists
  • weekly action plans
  • chance to ask questions
  • motivation from other group members
  • to share your challenges and get possible solutions In Shaa Allah
  • to learn from others’ experiences
  • extra support after the 2-hour workshop!

$70 USD ($50 only for FIRST 20!)

Use code FIRST20 to get it for $50

What else can we learn? ๐Ÿค”

Here are some more points we will be touching on In Shaa Allah

$50 for first 20 only!

Use code ‘FIRST20‘ to get $20 off!
(only available to the first 20 Bliifeeans who sign up)

Reviews from past workshop attendees! ๐Ÿ’™

Here are some reviews from the students who did the workshop ๐Ÿ˜

What if you could easily wake up in tahajjud for the dua you want! ๐Ÿคฒ

“The dua made atย tahajjud is like an arrow which does not miss its target.”


FAQ ๐Ÿค”

Answers to some questions you may have

It takes time, effort and money for me to make this workshop available to you.
Therefore, the workshop is paid in order to cover those costs.

Plus I already have lots of free content related to Tahajjud.
This workshop is for those who want a more in-depth and personalised experience In Shaa Allah. ๐Ÿ˜Š

In Shaa Allah there will be a Zoom recording that you can watch through if you miss a session.
However, it is recommended that you attend it live as much as possible.

Due to the Zoom link being provided upon registration, there will not be any refunds.

However, as per Australian Consumer Law (ACL), if the workshop does not cover the topics in the description above, you can email me at to sort it out In Shaa Allah. ๐Ÿ˜Š

Timings below are approximate and may not be accurate.
Please convert according to 3pm Melbourne, Australia AEST time.

India – 9:30am
Pakistan – 9:00am
Bangladesh – 10:00am
UAE – 8:00am
UK – 4:00am
US (Pacific) – 9:00pmย 
Malaysia – 12:00pm

For other countries, useย  this website to convert to your local time

In Shaa Allah, in the 2 hour session we will be covering a lot of content addressing all the topics above.

Yes, In Shaa Allah. It is completely fine if you’re on your period during the session.

You will be able to learn techniques that you can implement once you are back to praying!

You will also have access to a Telegram group where each week we will have an action plan and checklist.

If you’re on your monthly period anytime during the session or during the 1-month Telegram group, the content covered in the workshop will also be useful for you once you’re back to praying and even once the 1-month group access is completed.

PS. Special period breaks topic will be in the workshop too ๐Ÿ˜‰

We will be aiming for a 2-hour workshop.

However, in case we go overtime, the recording will definitely be available to catch-up too In Shaa Allah!

The last few minutes of the workshop will be dedicated to QnA, discussing progress, and looking at individual situations.
After that, you can send any questions throughout the 1 month access you have to the Telegram group chat to clear out any doubts or if you need help.

The last date to register for this session is 27th August, 2022 at 2pm AEST.ย 

This is because the session starts at 3pm AEST on 27th August 2022 In Shaa Allah.

There is a limited number of people that can sign up due to the limitations by Zoom.
In Shaa Allah you can join in the next round if I decide to host another one.

If you were not able to join this round, keep an eye out for the next round or possibly a recorded version workshop instead.

“The dua made atย tahajjud is like an arrow which does not miss its target.”


What if you could easily wake up in tahajjud for the dua you want? ๐Ÿคฒ

Starting soon on
27th August 2022!